323 results found for: flagship

Ukwanda Wins at Makhanda

The CHR production of Warona performed by Ukwanda Puppetry and Design Collective has been voted the 2019 Standard Bank Ovation Award at the Makhanda Arts Festival.

KINESIS: Of Moving and Being Moved

Between July 6th and July 10th 2019, the Laboratory of Kinetic Objects (LoKO) at the CHR hosted a colloquium on Subject/Object relations, in an ongoing exploration of Animation, Animism, Thing Theory, the Subject and the Object, Puppetry Arts and performance.

CHR’s Phokeng in Curatorial Intensive Residency in Dakar

Between the months of March and May 2019, Phokeng Setai participated in a curatorial intensive residency program with the Raw Material Company in Dakar, Senegal. During this program curatorial practices were discussed in their many variations – from the early beginnings of the practice to its current formulations.

CHR Director Hands Over the Baton

The Centre for Humanities Research (CHR) congratulates Professor Premesh Lalu on his 12 years as Director of the CHR, and is excited to announce the next stage of his work with the CHR and UWC.