323 results found for: flagship

ACIP: Call for workshop proposals and for Ivan Karp Doctoral Research Award Applications.

The CHR is pleased to announce that applications for the 2025 African Critical Inquiry Programme (ACIP) workshop and Doctoral Research awards are now open. ACIP invites proposals from scholars and/or practitioners in South Africa to organise a workshop that will take place in 2025, as well as for Ivan Karp doctoral research awards for African students enrolled in South African Ph.D. programmes.

Workshop: What is the University?

Between the 12th and the 18th of March CHR faculty and colleagues from the Leuphana Institute of Advanced Studies (LIAS) in Culture and Society met for a ten-day workshop on the question: What is the University for?

Mine Mine Mine:

A Conversation in the Humanities in Session seminar series at the Centre for Humanities Research, part of the Advanced Research Seminar. Uhuru Phalafala in conversation with Dr Lwando Scott.

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The Centre for Humanities Research’s three research platforms; Aesthetics and Politics, Migrating Violence and Becoming Technical of the Human.