NRF Call: Postgraduate Student Funding for 2022

The CHR is excited to share the DSI and NRF call for new applications for Postgraduate Student Funding in 2022.
Scholarships are intended to support Honours, Master’s, and Doctoral candidates. The CHR is home to the DSI-NRF Flagship on Critical Thought in African Humanities and the NRF SARChI Chair in Visual History and Theory. The application process can be challenging to new students, but please note there are detailed guidelines on the NRF website to help you navigate the process successfully. We encourage students to speak with their supervisors about their prospective projects and to contact the postgraduate office at UWC. We would also like to encourage applicants who may want to work with the DSI-NRF Flagship and the NRF SARChI Chair in Visual History at the CHR to contact us at
The internal closing dates for UWC are:
30 October 2021 Honours Applications
01 July 2021 First-time Master’s Applications
01 July 2021 First-time Doctoral Applications
University of the Western Postgraduate offices:
Kirk Haupt, Telephone: 021 959 2039.
Email Address:
Should applicants need to contact the NRF directly, more information is available on the call page. Students need to apply through the NRF Online Submission System.
Please visit the NRF call page for details about eligibility and to view the application and funding guides.