Reading Group and Seminar with Prof. Carlos Forment

Citizenship and Justice: Rethinking Political Theory and Political Philosophy, a project of the Centre for Humanities Research, the Dept. of Political Studies and the Dept. of Philosophy, UWC invites you to a Reading Group and Seminar on the work of, and with,
Prof. Carlos Forment
(New School for Social Research and Instituto de Desarallo Humano, Buenos Aires)
28 April 2017
Reading Group: 11-1pm, Centre for Humanities Research Seminar Room
Text: “Ordinary Ethics and the Emergence of Plebian Democracy Across the Global South: Buenos Aire’s La Salada Market, Current Anthropology, Vol. 56, 2015” (attached)
5 May 2017
Seminar and Workshop with Carlos Forment
11-1pm: Carlos Forment: Everyday Civility and Ordinary Politics Among Buenos Aires’ Scavengers: Emergent Forms of Plebeian Citizenship Across the Global South
2-3pm: Ethnography and Political Theory, a conversation with Carlos Forment
Carlos Forment is Associate Professor of Sociology at the New School for Social Research. He has three sets of research concerns: 1) to provide a Tocquevillian account of the development of civic democracy in nineteenth century Latin America and a Latin American reading of Tocquevillian democracy in the modern west; 2) to make sense of everyday forms of nationhood and selfhood in nineteenth century Latin America; and 3) to understand the way governmentalized populations across the global south, in the course of practicing everyday politics in the wake of neoliberalism, have transformed themselves into plebeian citizens.
All Welcome
Please rsvp
With Support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation