Public Lecture: Elizabeth Giorgis

The CHR invites you as part of its annual Winter School to a public lecture:
Elizabeth Giorgis
(Addis Ababa University)
“Revolutionary Mother Land Or Death: Art During the Socialist Military Regime, Famine, Nationalism and Socialist Identity.”
Date: 10 July 2018
Time: 2pm
Venue: Room 2, Centre for Humanities Research
Elizabeth Wolde Giorgis studied History of Art and Visual Studies at Cornell University and Museum Studies at New York University. She served as the Dean of the Skunder Boghossian College of Performing and Visual Arts and as Director of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies of Addis Ababa University. She teaches Art Theory and Criticism in the Graduate School of the College of Performing and Visual Art and the Center for African Studies. She is the editor and author of several publications among which are, Perspectives on Ethiopian Modernity and Modernism, a special issue guest edited by her in North East African Studies, “Charting Ethiopian Modernity and Modernism”, a special issue on Ethiopian art and literature in “Callaloo, Journal of the African Diaspora” and the only catalogue of contemporary art published in Ethiopia; “Gebre Kristos Desta: The Painter Poet.” She has curated several exhibitions at the Modern Art Museum, Gebre Kristos Desta Center. more recently an exhibition of Julie Mehretu’s work titled “Julie, the Addis Show,” the exhibition “Addis Ababa the Enigma of the New and the Modern that showcased four artists who engaged the changing cityscape of Addis Ababa, and an exhibition of the Danish Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson. She has also participated in several international conferences and public lectures.
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